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A member registered May 20, 2018

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(1 edit)

Sylrissa`s Counter attack ability on Expert uses the Journeyman stats. It still has a 75% chance of counter and last 4 turns, instead of 100% and 5 turns like the description says.

Great! Thank you for the swift response. Love the game!

Tree Of Life (Expert)

Heals single target for 3 turns: first 50% of total HP, then 40% and lastly 30%. Increase target`s speed by 25%. If the target is KO, resurrects him/her. Usable while paralysed.

There is a problem that occurs when stacking this ability. The diminishing returns never stop, so that the healing will end by going into the negative and actually hurt you. This can become very crippling and I doubt it`s intended. To prevent this, you have to wait for the 3 turns to be completely over until casting the ability again.